Aaronia Spectran HF-6065 RF spectrum analyzer
- [5.2. 2025]Zmazať/ Upraviť/ Topovať

Spectran HF-6065 je prístroj slúžiaci na meranie vysokofrekvenčných signálov v pásme 100 MHz–6 GHz.
Kompletné balenie v kufríku so všetkým potrebným príslušenstvom a anténou. Vrátane návodu a softvéru pre PC/Mac.
100% stav, nevyužitý.
The Spectran HF6000 V4 series of handheld spectrum analyzers are a versatile solution for any RF spectrum analysis application, including field frequency coordination and testing, systems installations, interference tracking, and general RF test and measurement These handheld units are lightweight and durable for on-the-go applications, and offer full featured spectrum analysis with and without the included PC software.
Frequency Range – 10MHz – 6GHz
Peak Power Detector – 6GHz (optional)
Level Min – -100dbm (typical -110dbm)
Level Max – +10dbm (+30dbm optional)
Attenuation – “Auto,” 0, 10, 20, 30dB
Filter Bandwidth Min – 3KHz
Filter Bandwidth Max – 50MHz
Accuracy – +/-2dB
Features: Real Time PC Analysis,
Unlimited Marker Points,
Internal Data Logging, PC Data
Views: Waterfall/Spectrogram,
Spectrum, Histogram
Functions: Peak, RMS, and Hold Functions
Najlepšie osobne v BA, prípadne po dohode SC, ZV, DT.
Možnosť odskúšania samozrejmosťou.
Kompletné balenie v kufríku so všetkým potrebným príslušenstvom a anténou. Vrátane návodu a softvéru pre PC/Mac.
100% stav, nevyužitý.
The Spectran HF6000 V4 series of handheld spectrum analyzers are a versatile solution for any RF spectrum analysis application, including field frequency coordination and testing, systems installations, interference tracking, and general RF test and measurement These handheld units are lightweight and durable for on-the-go applications, and offer full featured spectrum analysis with and without the included PC software.
Frequency Range – 10MHz – 6GHz
Peak Power Detector – 6GHz (optional)
Level Min – -100dbm (typical -110dbm)
Level Max – +10dbm (+30dbm optional)
Attenuation – “Auto,” 0, 10, 20, 30dB
Filter Bandwidth Min – 3KHz
Filter Bandwidth Max – 50MHz
Accuracy – +/-2dB
Features: Real Time PC Analysis,
Unlimited Marker Points,
Internal Data Logging, PC Data
Views: Waterfall/Spectrogram,
Spectrum, Histogram
Functions: Peak, RMS, and Hold Functions
Najlepšie osobne v BA, prípadne po dohode SC, ZV, DT.
Možnosť odskúšania samozrejmosťou.
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