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Danish Audio Design Dac 11

- [8.2. 2025]
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Danish Audio Design Dac 11 - 1
Danish Audio Design Dac 11 - 2
Danish Audio Design Dac 11 - 3
DAC z kategórie skutočného high-endu.
Made in Denmark.
Zložený z 3 segmentov:
Samotný DAC, PSU 10 (napájanie) a CAP10 (capacitor bank)
Ak ste milovníkom analógového zvuku ktorý je detailný, priestorový a nereže uši, toto je ten pravý dac pre vás.
Dynamický prejav a nádherné vokály.
Zaslúži si dobrý napájací kábel (napr. superblack od cable4, alebo z vintage medi od Abbasaudio) a dobrý digitálny koaxiálny RCA/BNC kábel (superblack od cable4, Boomslang od river audio).

Ole Nielsen still runs NewOntech and is the inventor of the prestigious DAC 11, DAC 30D/30T, Dac 20, PRE 05 and AMP 05
20 years experience in the development D/A converters, has also done consulting assignments for some of the top names in audiobransche One-man company and everything is made by hand from own handmade prints.
The PCB is special made, the solder is ESA/Space approved. Danish Audio Design is a Danish company with audio DA converter as a specialty. The founder and "DAC guru" Ole Nielsen has 20 years experience in the DA converter.

The founder of Eben speakers "Michael Børresen" used the cheap standard Ontech dac from Ole Neilsen instead of the expansive Burmester setup when he was awarded "Editors choise" at London hifi-show by hifi+/Roy Gregory DAD is also making a tube dac for Hørning Audio Arguably the world's best Reference Tube DAC to a middle class price
The DAC 11 is a step up from it’s little brother, the DAC 06. The focus has been on developing the soundstage even further giving you a better natural and dynamic sound. The amount of detail is also better through the entire frequency range. This is a high-end DAC and the proof is in the sound you hear.

About PSU 10

PSU 10 is a power supply unit that feeds the DAC 11 with a clean and regulated supply of power. Everything is handmade from the transformer to the circuit board, and constructed to our high specifications. This ensures that our DAC performs to it’s very best, since the power feed is a very important part of the systems audio qualities.

About CAP 10

CAP 10 is a capacitor bank with a large capacity and it’s a very important part of our sound philosophy. With the CAP 10 you’re getting a 3D soundstage that is among the best. It expands the tiniest of details and makes sure there’s no sound that is ‘forgotten’ in the soundstage.

Digital input: 2 X gold-plated RCA 75 ohm
Digital input: 1 x S/PDIF
Digital input: 1 x BNC

Line output signal: 2.5V RMS
Output impedance 75 ohm
DAC 11 Specifications
Sample rates: 32 KHz – 200 KHz
Dynamic Range: >120 dB
Distortion: THD+N 110dB
Level linearity error: +- 1dB

CENA MOC: 3000,-€
CENA: 639,-€
V kategórii do 1000,-€ lepší DAC nekúpite.
Pozri aj moje ďalšie inzeráty.




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